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Who We Are

Since 1990, Sonoma Ecology Center has worked to increase appreciation and stewardship of Sonoma Valley’s natural heritage and create measurable benefits in areas of land, water, climate change and biodiversity.


We envision a future where people, land, water, and wildlife thrive.


Our mission is to work with our community to identify and lead actions that achieve and sustain ecological health in Sonoma Valley.

This is our moment to lay the foundation for the critical work ahead for Sonoma Valley’s LAND, WATER, BIODIVERSITY, COMMUNITY, and CLIMATE.

Fire Resiliency Video

How can people, land, water, and wildlife thrive in a fire-adapted landscape? Watch this video on how we keep people safer while supporting our environment.

Upcoming Events

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Knock-Your-Socks-Off Wildflower Hike (Sold Out) @ Sugarloaf Ridge State Park | Kenwood | California | United States


UPDATE 4/14, 4:00 PM: This hike is full.

The Goodspeed trail hosts a treasure trove of wildflowers. Here’s a chance to join Certified CA Naturalist John Lynch for a leisurely exploration of this exceptionally lovely trail. You will not be sorry!

Goodspeed trail starts along the cool banks of the Sonoma Creek as it rushes through a stand of redwoods but quickly heads up hill into the sunlight and a profusion of wildflowers, butterflies (and a few reptiles). This hike will only take us a couple miles with the turn around just past Pierson Rd – but oh what a couple of miles!

Meet at the Goodspeed parking lot. Tickets are $15 for general audiences, $7.50 for students or youth (12-17 year olds, accompanied by a responsible adult), Sugarloaf members and volunteers, and free for children under 12. Wear comfortable shoes, sun protection, bring at least a quart of water, a camera or wildflower guides if you have them, and if desired, a snack. Parking fees apply.

Ease of access: Goodspeed Trail is an out-and-back, single-track dirt trail. The first hundred feet is a rough foot trail down to Sonoma Creek. The next several hundred feet (including wooden bridges with handrails over two creeks) is mostly flat. The remainder of the route is mostly steep with steps and a rugged climb through serpentine chaparral.

For more events at Sugarloaf, visit our calendar.

Senderos: Flora @ Sugarloaf Ridge State Park | Kenwood | California | United States

Sábado 4 de mayo, 9:30 am-12:30 pm
Biblioteca Regional del Valle de Sonoma & Parque Estatal Sugarloaf Ridge

Ven a una caminata donde exploraremos algunas de las plantas originarias en Sugarloaf, su historia natural, herbología y folklore. Nos reuniremos en el estacionamiento principal y caminaremos los senderos Lower Bald Mountain y Stern. ¡Evento gratuito! Por favor regístrate por adelantado, ya que proveeremos transportación, lo cual limita el cupo a 25, y este evento se llenará pronto. Transportación gratuita de la Biblioteca Regional del Valle de Sonoma (755 West Napa Street Sonoma, CA 95476) a Sugarloaf (2605 Adobe Canyon Rd, Kenwood, CA 95452) y de regreso es proveída con tu registraciónEl autobús saldrá de la biblioteca prontamente a las 9:30am al Parque Estatal Sugarloaf Ridge y regresará a la biblioteca alrededor de las 12:30 pm.

Viste capas, calzado adecuado para senderos pedregosos/resbaladizos, protección solar, trae al menos un litro de agua, y si deseas, un bocadillo. Te sugerimos traer una lupa, algo en que arrodillarse, y una guía de identificación de plantas, si la tienes. 

Para más información, manda un correo electrónico a o llama a Alma al 707-247-5767.

Información acerca de plantas comestibles es sólamente para propósitos educativos. Procurarse de alimentos (plantas, semillas, hongos, etc.) en los parques estatales de California es ilegal.

Facilidad de acceso: El estacionamiento principal posee un espacio designado como accesible para vagonetas y un inodoro rústico. No hay agua potable en el área. El comienzo del sendero Lower Bald Mountain que empieza en el estacionamiento principal es un sendero de tierra y grave de una sola vía. Mide aproximadamente una milla, y cuenta con 500 pies de elevación. Tiene secciones angostas con escalones y zigzags, como también áreas más anchas en pleno sol. El sendero Stern es una carretera cortafuegos rudamente pavimentada con algunas secciones de grava suelta empinadas. Mide aproximadamente una milla, con la segunda mitad de esa milla siendo plana y soleada.

Este evento es en colaboración con Sonoma Valley Regional Library y es respaldado por Route to Parks, un proyecto de Parks California.
Encuentra más oportunidades recreacionales a través del programa Senderos Naturales en ésta página
Para más eventos en Sugarloaf, visita nuestro calendario

ENGLISH Senderos: Flora (en español)
Sat, 5/4, 9:30 am -12:30 pm
Sonoma Valley Regional Library & Sugarloaf Ridge SP

Join us on this walk about some of Sugarloaf’s native plants, their natural history, and folklore. This event is planned around a primarily Spanish-speaking Latino audience. Families from underrepresented groups are particularly welcome. Email with your questions.

Ease of access: The main parking lot has one van-accessible parking space and an accessible vault toilet. There is no running water in this area. The Lower Bald Mountain trailhead beginning from the main parking lot is a single-track dirt and gravel trail of approximately one mile in length and 500 ft of elevation gain. It has narrow sections with steps and switchbacks, as well as some wider sections in full sun exposure. Stern Trail is a roughly-paved fireroad with a few steep areas of loose gravel. It is about a mile in length, with the second half of the mile being flatter and sunny.

Edible plant information is for educational purposes only. Foraging is illegal in CA State Parks.

This event is in collaboration with Sonoma Valley Regional Library and sponsored by the Route to Parks Grant, a project of Parks California.
Find more recreational opportunities through the Senderos Naturales program in this page.

For more events at Sugarloaf, visit our calendar.

ParkRx—Tai Chi @ Sugarloaf Ridge State Park | Kenwood | California | United States

Embrace the tranquility of Sunday mornings at Sugarloaf as our experienced instructor, Diana Latorre, guides you in the ancient practice of Tai Chi. This gentle holistic wellness practice is perfect for beginners and those with limited mobility.

Meet at the amphitheater. Tickets are $15-20 sliding scale for general audiences. Wear layers, comfortable footwear, bring water, sun protection, and if desired, a snack. Not recommended for children under 16.

Sonoma County Resident? Free with an April 2024 or newer ParkRx from a participating Sonoma County Medical Provider. Click here for ParkRx info.

Ease of access: There are two main lots in the park: the main lot and the White Barn lot. Each lot has one van-designated accessible parking spot and an accessible porta-potty or vault toilet. Each parking lot has access to the ADA-compliant Creekside Nature Trail, which crosses the amphitheater. The trail measures approximately 0.45 miles one way, with the trailhead across the main parking lot being approximately 0.2 miles from the amphitheater and the White Barn Lot approximately 0.25 miles. Should further accessibility accommodations be required, please email as soon as possible.

For more events at Sugarloaf, visit our calendar.

For more events at Sugarloaf, visit our calendar.

Sugarloaf Volunteer Trail Crew @ Sugarloaf Ridge State Park | Kenwood | California | United States

Volunteers play a crucial role at keeping Sugarloaf Ridge State Park open and accessible to all! Help Sugarloaf with trail restoration work by coming to our every-other-Thursday Volunteer Trail Crew. Activities include bridge and step construction, installing signs, clearing, lifting, carrying, and hiking.

Bring gloves, hat, and water that you can carry hands-free (i.e. a backpack). Wear long pants, boots or sturdy shoes and sunscreen. Long sleeves are recommended as poison oak is present. We have tools and trained crew leaders with tasks for all. Minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult. We will provide tools, and if allowed, lunch.

If you are a current Sugarloaf volunteer, log onto Better Impact to sign up.
Not a Sugarloaf volunteer yet? RSVP to no later than the Sunday prior to the work day to ensure we have lunch for you.
First-time volunteers are welcomed and encouraged to formally join our volunteer program if they’d like to support us more frequently. Start here to become a volunteer.

Weekly California Native Plant Sale | Venta semanal de plantas nativas Californianas @ Native Plant Nursery at Sonoma Garden Park | Sonoma | California | United States

[Español abajo]

We are selling a variety of California native plants to the public every Friday from 12:00-3:00 pm to help local gardeners create and maintain drought-tolerant and pollinator-friendly gardens and landscapes. Simply drop into our Native Plant Nursery. For questions, email our Native Plant Nursery Manager at

Our weekly plant sales will be cancelled October 6, 13, and 20, and November 24, 2023.

Sign up for our emailing list to stay updated on future events:

Venderemos una variedad de plantas nativas Californianas al público cada viernes de 12:00 a 3:00 pm para ayudar a jardineros locales a crear y mantener jardines y paisajes resistentes a la sequía y amigables a polinizadores. Simplemente acude a nuestro vivero de plantas nativas (ubicado dentro de Sonoma Garden Park). Si tienes preguntas, manda un email a nuestra gerente del vivero de plantas nativas por

Nuestra venta de plantas semanal en octubre 6, 13, y 20 se ha cancelado para prepararnos para nuestra venta estacional el 21 de octubre.

Inscríbete a nuestro boletín de noticias electrónico para estar al tanto de nuestros eventos futuros:

2023 Impact Report


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Advancing Environmental Education with Free UC CalNat Course for Local Teachers

Advancing Environmental Education with Free UC CalNat Course for Local Teachers

In our mission to bring high quality environmental education to all students in Sonoma Valley, Sonoma Ecology Center hosted a UC California Naturalist for Teachers (CalNat) course last Fall to support our Valley’s educators in their environmental education programs. Teachers are now sharing ways that they have been able to use the learnings from the course to improve their environmental instruction.

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