Notice of Bid Solicitation
Bids for the construction of the Upper Sonoma Creek Restoration Demonstration Project Site 11
will be received by Sonoma Ecology Center until 3:00:00 PM local time on Friday, April 26,
2024. Sealed bids shall be hand-delivered to Steven Lee and/or Mattie Miller at 461 7th
Street West, Suite 1, Sonoma, CA 95476, at which time the Bids received will be privately
read. Electronic delivery of Bids may also be requested to be sent via email to, with cc to
The Project consists of grading approximately 500 linear feet of floodplain bank and bench
excavation; placing approximately 3,250 cubic yards of excavated material on-site as upland
landscape fill and excess soils fill; installing large wood, rock, and biotechnical structures; and
applying seeding and erosion control to all disturbed areas.
The Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost for the Project is $382,000.
One compiled Bid will be received for the Contract to be led by the Prime Contractor and
include any work that may be performed by subcontractors. Bids shall be as broken down on the
Bid Form with lump sum and unit pricing identified per bid item as described in the construction
This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement of prevailing wage
requirements by the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR).
The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is: Sonoma Ecology Center, 461 7th Street West,
Suite 1, Sonoma, CA 95476. The contact is Steven Lee – (818) 399-0435 or , with cc to . Complete sets
of Bidding Documents and Addenda can be requested from Steven Lee at Sonoma Ecology
Center per the email address above. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or
partial sets of Bidding Documents, including any Addenda, obtained from sources other than the
Issuing Office.
A pre-bid conference will be held at 1:30 PM local time on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at the Project
Site as shown on the drawings. Meeting location is at the gate of 1651 Warm Springs Road in
Glen Ellen. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is mandatory.
Bids will be accepted only from Bidders who meet the minimum qualifications specified
by the Owner. Bidders shall submit proof of qualifications to perform the Work as
described in the Instructions to Bidders. Prevailing wages are required for this project.
Contractors must meet and demonstrate the following minimum qualifications in order for
their bid to be accepted:
1. Contractor must provide written project information and project owner references for a
minimum of three (3) projects within the last eight (8) years that included restoration in a
riparian (river or stream) environment demonstrating capabilities and experience. At least
one project example must include each of the following:
a. Grading of a stream bank, installation of erosion control fabric, native seed mix
application, and other Best Management Practices (BMPs) for erosion and
sediment control.
b. Construction of stream-adjacent Large Wood Structures (LWS) (singular or
multiple logs).
c. Harvesting and installing or live vegetation and construction of brush mat or
similar biotechnical bank stabilization.
d. Installation of irrigation main piping and valving.
2. Contractor may demonstrate the above experience by self-performance or may use a
subcontractor who has the minimum experience. If including subcontractor experience, a
fourth project may be referenced if needed.
Any bid that is received without demonstration of the above minimum experience will be
Bid scoring criteria is described in the Bidder’s Instructions and based on cost proposal,
qualifications, experience, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation.
Owner: Sonoma Ecology Center
By: Steven Lee
Title: Senior Scientist and Research Program Manager
Date: March 25, 2024