Meet Our Board of Directors

Parker Bacon
Student, Ecological Restoration, Cal Poly Humboldt
Anna Bimenyimana
Owner, Bon Marche Thrift Stores International Nonprofit Supporter
Jeanne-Louise Camus, M.P.A.
Mother and Pilates Instructor
Ava Castro
Climate Resilience Program Coordinator at Daily Acts
Kendall Clemons
Student, Sonoma Valley High School
Sam Coturri
Proprietor, Winery Sixteen 600
Patricia Farrar-Rivas, Vice President & CFO
Co-founder and Former CEO, Veris Wealth Partners
Mark Flocco, President
Retired Business Owner
Tektekh Gabaldon
Member of the Mishewal-Wappo tribe
David Morell, Ph.D.
Specialty Technical Consultants, Retired Adjunct Professor, Mae Fah Luang University Retired Senior Director, USEPA
Jennifer Palladini, Ph.D., Secretary
Biology & Botany Instructor, SRJC
Breck Parkman
Retired Senior State Archaeologist, California State Parks

Photos courtesy of Kristen Russell and Melania Mahoney