Sonoma Ecology Center was founded in 1990 after the Sonoma Valley’s Earth Day celebration, held on the Sonoma Plaza. This year marks our 34th anniversary. This year, we are excited to share many ways to celebrate Earth Day throughout Sonoma Valley, including the open spaces we manage: Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, Sonoma Garden Park, and Montini Open Space Preserve.
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Saturday, April 20, 8:30 am-5:00 pm
Headwaters to Headwaters Hike starting from Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. Learn more.
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Friday-Sunday, April 26-28
Learn more about the many events in our City Nature Challenge at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park.
Sonoma Garden Park
Saturday, April 6, 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Don’t miss our Spring California Native Plant Sale at our Native Plant Nursery at Sonoma Garden Park. Learn more.
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Saturday, April 6, 8:00-11:00 pm
Visit the Robert Ferguson Observatory at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park for a Star Party. Learn more.
Virtual Event
Tuesday, April 9, 5:30-7:00 pm
Attend a free, virtual workshop on resilient landscaping. Hosted by the Resilient Landscapes Coalition. Learn more.
Sonoma Garden Park
Sunday, April 14, 9:00-11:00 am
Discover the Healing Power of Nature at Sonoma Garden Park with volunteer Simone York. Learn more.
Ram’s Gate Winery
Sunday, April 21, 12:00 pm-4:00 pm
Learn about beekeeping, falconry, organic farming and how it all comes together to create the beautiful wines and thoughtful pairings we love to share. Hear from SEC’s Eric Schoohs on our new Tending the Land Guide. Learn more.
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Sunday, April 6 and Sunday, April 21, 10:00 am-1:30 pm
Wondrous Wildflower Walk at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. Register.
Van Hooser Wildflower Preserve
Saturdays and Sundays, April 6, 13, 19, 26
Join our annual guided tours of Van Hoosear Wildflower Wildflower Preserve. Register.
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Sunday, April 14, 10:00 am-1:00 pm
Edible & Medicinal Plant Walk at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. Register.
Sonoma Garden Park
Saturday, April 20, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Painting in the Garden with professional artist teacher, Jeannine Luke, a local artist who has taught painting for 30 years, at Sonoma Garden Park. Learn more.
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Saturday, April 7, 1:00-5:00 pm
Sugarloaf New Volunteer Orientation | Orientación para voluntarios nuevos. Learn more.
Van Hoosear
Sábado 13 de abril, 9:30 am-12:15 pm
Explora un prado primaveral virgen con múltiples especies florecientes variantes durante la temporada con los naturalistas de Sonoma Ecology Center. Aprende más.
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Sunday, April 14, 2:00-5:00 pm
Join California Certified Naturalists Judy Armstrong and Judy Withee on one of our accessible trails, suitable for young children, parents with babies in strollers, and people using walkers or wheelchairs, as well as those who just enjoy slow walks in nature that stimulate the five senses. Learn more.
Sonoma Garden Park
Saturday, April 20, 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Join the Weed Pulling Competition at Sonoma Garden Park! Learn more.
Montini Open Space Preserve
Friday, April 26, 10:00 am-12:30 pm
Explore the different plant communities in Montini Open Space Preserve with retired field botanist Greg Perrier. Register.
Header photo and photo of Native Plant Sale courtesy of Marielle V Chua.