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Honoring Earth, Honoring Volunteers

Sonoma Ecology Center and our illustrious, dedicated volunteers help us honor Earth every day, and we’d like to thank them for helping us take care of little patches of our planet right here in Sonoma Valley. In partnership with One Tree Planted and Simply Solar,...

A message from NEST student, Alexandra Huerta

As someone who has always admired the grandeur of the outdoors and has an ever-present curiosity for exploring, understanding and preserving our natural world, studying environmental science just made sense. As a Southern California native, my summer days as a youth...

New Ecological Scientist Training Program

A message from Dr. Dan Levitis, Community Science Coordinator Sonoma Ecology Center is committed to helping diverse scientists overcome the barriers our persistently unlevel world puts in their paths. This is what motivates our New Ecological Scientist Training...

Getting to Know Dr. Dan

For many years before settling with his family in Sonoma Valley, Dan Levitis was an “itinerant scientist” as he puts it, traveling the world, doing field work, taking academic posts, and gaining experience as a scientist and teacher. Born in Washington, D.C. and...

Watch Nature Heal at Sugarloaf

With most trails reopened, green shoots growing and animals returning, Sugarloaf Ridge State Park is the place to be to see the land recover from wildfire. The park—operated by Sonoma Ecology Center on behalf of the California State Parks system—has reopened all but...