Staff Highlight: Ross Adams, Restoration Project Manager

Meet Ross Adams: Restoration Project Manager Ross Adams has helped support and lead our restoration crew through a wide variety of projects over the past year with Sonoma Ecology Center. Whether it’s pulling broom or wielding a chain saw we’re grateful to...

Sonoma’s Drought Questions Answered

We’ve heard from many community members wanting to know about current water supply levels, what to expect in the months to come, and what implications drought years might have on the environment and our daily lives. With all this in mind, we turned to our Senior...

Kenwood Marsh Checkerbloom Stewardship Day

On a cool February morning, a joint team of eight from Sonoma Ecology Center (SEC) Restoration, SEC Research, and biologists from CDFW Native Plant Program came together in the Kenwood Marsh to help save a very special plant, the Kenwood Marsh Checkerbloom (commonly...

Wildflower Hikes in Sonoma County

One of our favorite ways to enjoy spring is to watch as nature puts on its show of breathtaking wildflowers. One after another, species burst into bloom with sprays of yellow, orange, purple and white, all across green fields and woodlands. This year the bloom arrived...