Long Term Solutions to Power Shutoffs

On Monday, the first day of fall, word came that PG&E could be shutting off power to thousands of county residents including in Sonoma Valley. The weather was forecast to turn hot and windy, with a red-flag warning (elevated fire risk) for local hills from Monday...

Strike for Your Future!

“We will never stop fighting for this planet, for our futures, and for the futures of our children and grandchildren.” –Greta Thunberg Climate change is the issue of our time. And people all over the world, including in Sonoma Valley, will get another chance to make...

Bald Eagle over Montini

This Bald Eagle was seen in Sonoma this afternoon, circling with some vultures over the Vallejo Home and the Montini Preserve. Bald Eagles have made an impressive comeback, along with a few other animals protected by the Endangered Species Act. Eagles and many other...