Rainstorm in Review

From bone-dry creek beds to rushing water in just one wet week – it’s been a turbulent ride of literal highs and lows for our watershed in the past seven days.  Last Sunday’s storm was the biggest in our area’s history in terms of volume of water over such a short...

Restoration Round-up

The Sonoma Ecology Center’s (SEC) Restoration Department has been hard at work this season on a host of projects in service of helping local landowners.  What’s our crew been up to lately? Recently our team of restoration specialists have been busy stewarding the...

Something to Celebrate: Beavers Are In Sonoma Creek

It’s been a long summer of extreme drought conditions in Sonoma Valley. In what seems like a steady stream of dire news for our watershed one glimmer of good news stands out: beavers are moving back into Sonoma Creek. The return of these charming dam builders isn’t...