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Staff Highlight: Cali Pearce

Introducing Cali Pearce: AmeriCorps Member for Volunteer Infrastructure Services Cali Pearce joined our team as our first ever Americorp volunteer to help Sonoma Ecology Center bring it’s volunteer management system into the digital age and shape our volunteer...

Update on the Endangered Kenwood Marsh Checkerbloom

We are excited to share an update on the endangered Kenwood Marsh Checkerbloom from Ayla Mills, Nursery Propagation Manager of our Native Plant Nursery at Sonoma Garden Park.  Ayla graduated from Chico State University with a M.S. in biology with a focus in botany....

Meet the Earthlings

Heartfelt passion and dedication to the environment are the building blocks of our newest group, the youth-led Earthlings, explains Julia Megna, Education Project Manager. Julia says she is “blown away” by the energy of this group of about 20 who range in age from 2...

Harvest Market is Open

The Harvest Market at Sonoma Garden Park is open and selling fresh, organically-grown produce and olive oil again. There is not much better than eating food that comes from the land where you live, and that’s just what we offer every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in...

Glass Fire Frays Nerves, Blankets Valley in Smoke

Dear Friends, We’re now on day five of the Glass Fire, which began in the early morning of Sunday, Sept. 27 and has since grown to more than 60,000 acres across Napa and Sonoma counties, jumping valleys and firebreaks, destroying hundreds of homes and businesses, and...

Pollinator Week Brings Local Enthusiasts to Sonoma Garden Park

Did you know that last week, June 22-28, was Pollinator Week? As noted by scientists, naturalists and wildlife officials, pollinators—a diverse group of species including insects, birds and mammals—are responsible for pollinating three quarters of our flowering plants...