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Sustainable Sonoma Adds New Listening Session

In its quest for a new and collaborative way of tackling Sonoma Valley’s biggest problems, Sustainable Sonoma is continuing its listening tour of interest groups throughout the Valley, with the next listening session scheduled for the evening of June 1 at the Sonoma...

Earth Week 2018 a Celebration of Spring

Spring is all about renewal, a theme near and dear to the hearts of Sonoma Valley residents these days as they recover from last October’s wildfires. Maybe that’s why they’ve been so appreciative of our fire recovery work of recent months, and why our Fire Recovery...

Fire Walk Series Continues in Beauty

Burned areas are healing across the Valley, showing in colorful splendor the swift regeneration of our landscape – and giving us multiple opportunities to take the public on walkabouts that are both gorgeous and educational. Our ongoing Fire Recovery Walks will only...

MLK Day of Service Leads to a Better Sonoma Valley

Each year on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Sonoma Ecology Center organizes volunteer efforts in Sonoma Valley as part of the nationwide MLK Day of Service, held in honor of that great American who told us that “Everybody can be great … because anybody can serve.” Part...

What’s Your Vision for Sonoma Garden Park?

Help determine the future of Sonoma Garden Park! Take part in the Master Plan Update: * Read the Plan * Leave Comments * Attend our Dec. 9 Community Workshop * Sonoma Garden Park was once the home of beloved local schoolteacher Pauline Bond, who granted it to the City...

Team Sugarloaf Turns 5!

Five years ago, California’s State Parks system was hurting financially, leading to a decision to close several of its parks including Annadel, Jack London and the 3,900-acre Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. But Sonoma Ecology Center came to the rescue, forming a group...