From August to September: An Update on our Watershed

Over the course of just one month we’re observing intensifying conditions in our creeks. As we enter the month of September we’re feeling that familiar warm weather typical of late summer in the San Francisco Bay Area. These hot end of season days are making...

Update on the Endangered Kenwood Marsh Checkerbloom

We are excited to share an update on the endangered Kenwood Marsh Checkerbloom from Ayla Mills, Nursery Propagation Manager of our Native Plant Nursery at Sonoma Garden Park.  Ayla graduated from Chico State University with a M.S. in biology with a focus in botany....

Fire-wise and Resilient Landscape Resources For a Safer Fire Season

An example of a local home following fire smart, water wise and wildlife friendly principles.  It is hard to believe that we’re only part way through the 2021 fire season. In years past we’ve seen smoky skies come our way as late as October or November (or not at all)...