Step One: Listen to the Experts

We want to thank everyone who came out Monday night for a special screening of “Ice on Fire,” the climate change documentary featuring a segment on biochar by our own Raymond Baltar. The show sold out completely, and the Sebastiani Theatre overflowed with people eager to learn more about the climate change crisis and what we can do to stop it.

The film presented a number of “drawdown” solutions – methods of extracting carbon from the atmosphere that include forest management, kelp production, carbon-capturing machines and biochar – and was followed by a lively Q&A with Baltar, “Ice on Fire” director Leila Conners, and Redwood Forest Foundation Chief Forester Linwood Gill. (Shown left-to-right in photo at top. Photos by Melania Mahoney.)

As Baltar explained, biochar is one climate change solution that is local, affordable, scalable and easy to implement. This form of charcoal sequesters carbon – while also retaining water and amending the soil – and though it’s only one of many solutions, it’s something anyone can implement right away!

Step Two: Think Globally, Act Locally

All local gardeners, farmers and growers are encouraged to get some biochar of their own and start using it. Small-scale gardeners can come to the Sonoma Garden Park Harvest Market on Saturday morning and pick up a few bags. Farmers and large-scale growers can obtain larger quantities by contacting Raymond Baltar at

For more tips on things you can do to fight climate change, check out the book “Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming,” which details the best climate change solutions in order of effectiveness.

“Ice on Fire” is available for streaming at