After talking to community members both inside and outside of the coalition formerly known as Sustainable Sonoma, we now have a new name—Sonoma Valley Collaborative–that better conveys who this coalition is and what it does. As before, we remain committed to using collaboration to advance Sonoma Valley’s triple bottom line of equity, environment, AND economy, as reflected in our three-circles logo. Thanks to all who have made this Collaborative a success since the 2017 fires.
The original name of this coalition, Sustainable Sonoma, was based on defining a “sustainable community” as having a healthy environment, a strong economy, and the equitable well-being of the people in the community. This remains our guiding value set.
From the beginning, the word “sustainable” has confused people about what we do, because that word means different things to different people.
Sonoma Valley Collaborative was conceived by Sonoma Ecology Center to achieve a shared vision for the Valley that most of the community can support. In the early stages, Sonoma Ecology Center led in building the Collaborative’s
partnerships, primarily with the Chamber of Commerce and La Luz. Over time, the founding partners have become just a few of the many interests at the table. As Sonoma Valley Collaborative matures, it will take on its own identity—a standalone staff, independent funding—so that it belongs to the whole community, not any particular organization.
The new name was announced at an August 11 public forum, which showcased Sonoma Valley Collaborative’s report Homes For A Sustainable Sonoma: Strategic Recommendations For Our Community. Watch the forum, including guest speakers, here.
The new name, Sonoma Valley Collaborative or Colaborativa de Valle de Sonoma, and the brighter logo, create a through-line between the great work we have already done and our work ahead as a more inclusive, diverse collaborative that aims to:
- Identify and tackle complex community problems with an explicit value of sustainability, finding solutions that have the greatest buy-in and also promote balance among: environment, economy and equity.
- Help facilitate diplomacy across key sectors within the community, linking together organizations and leaders to solve complex community problems.
- Work to build a shared understanding of complex community problems and shift public opinion toward agreed-upon solutions.
- Develop tools that inform member decisions on new projects, policies and proposed actions.
- Identify and link potential investment opportunities with new projects or programs that align with our explicit values and identified solutions.