Sonoma Ecology Center has managed Sonoma Garden Park for a quarter-century, and we’ve always strived to make this public park as community-friendly as possible. To further that goal, we’re proposing a number of improvements to the park in our Sonoma Garden Park Master Plan Update, which is currently making its way through the city’s approval process.

Last week, the Update took another step forward by winning approval from the City of Sonoma’s Community Services & Environment Commission. During the Aug. 8 meeting, commission members praised the proposals – and the Garden Park itself – before passing the Update unanimously.

“The commission seemed very familiar with the Garden Park and the great gardens and community programs that SEC has created there, and is very supportive of continuing to improve and expand it,” said Sonoma Ecology Center Planner and Grants Development Manager Minona Heaviland. “It is a tribute to everyone that has worked and is working hard at making the Garden Park a great place.”

With the Community Services & Environment Commission’s strong support, the Master Plan Update next goes before the city’s Planning Commission, and ultimately the City Council. Supporters of Sonoma Garden Park are invited to let members of the Planning Commission and Council know how they feel about this unique public park.

Proposals in the Master Plan Update include:

  • Annex the Pauline Bond Homestead Area and build a learning center and caretaker residence there
  • New children’s play areas to allow for more active play by young visitors
  • Improvements to the picnic, campfire, and outdoor education areas
  • More parking spaces, including an electric vehicle charging station
  • Expansion of the use of non-potable water for irrigation
  • New public restrooms

Click here for the full Master Plan Update.

Click here to see Doug McConnell explore Sonoma Garden Park when he came to visit in 2016!