The Sonoma Ecology Center Earthlings Club is open for new members for Spring!
The SEC Earthlings club was begun by a group of teens with a goal to fuel positive climate action from the youth of Sonoma Valley. The club has since evolved to welcome members of all ages (currently from participants aged 3 years to octogenarians). In the past the SEC Earthlings have worked on projects spanning from radio and TV appearances and educational videos, hands on gardening at Sonoma Garden Park, creek clean ups, letter writing, local business campaigns, makers fairs, fall craft events and much more!
We are a group of youth-led Sonoma locals who are devoted to driving environmental change through education, hands-on activities and community building.
Connected through our love for the environment and dedication to its vitality. We are passionate about making real positive change in the local community and beyond towards the reversal of climate change.
We want to enhance Sonoma’s sustainability across all areas within the community; from local businesses and schools to preserving our beautiful natural environment. We also aim to educate all ages on what we can each do individually to make a real difference in the area of climate action.

All are welcome to participate and to contribute ideas for climate action and support for our planet. We encourage our club members to participate in an existing project or to start their very own endeavor. Whether you have 2 hours, 2 days or more time to give … remote or in person, we have many ways to get involved.
SEC Earthlings Club Meeting Times:
Wednesdays at Sonoma Garden Park 2:00 pm-4:30 pm
Optional Thursdays 7:00 pm Zoom meetings
How to join: Email Julia Megna at

What are the SEC Earthlings up to this season? There are many projects to take part in!
Our existing projects include:
Earth Day Weekend: 18-24 April 2022
The theme this year is ‘Invest in Our Planet’ and what better way to get involved than by participating in one of the many events taking place in and around Sonoma. Learn more about the SEC Earth Day Line-up here!
The SEC Earthlings will be participating by taking part in the City of Sonoma event on Friday 22nd April 9:00am – 12:00pm. Come to Sonoma Garden Park on Sat 23rd April 10:00am – 1:00pm. We’ll be preparing info / educational tables on anything from spiders, birds, water saving, recycling, climate action, Earthlings club info, handing out fliers, making change in the Valley etc. Come join in on the fun and celebrate Earth Day with us!
Seasonal Festivals and Celebrations:
Get involved with our seasonal festival planning and creation. We hold multiple events throughout the year centering around youth led projects, activities, and opportunities for all to connect with each other and with the earth! Our events run throughout the year and include a Fall craft/ Dia de los Muertos festival, Spring Equinox Festival, Holiday Craft Fair, Makers Fair and more!
Garden projects – at Sonoma Garden Park and at El Verano Elementary
We love getting our hands in the soil! Parents and youth alike can help in the form of overseeing a task list as well as actually coordinating and doing the work… assisting with weeding, planning, planting, watering, and pruning, Sonoma Garden Park all while learning the necessary skills for becoming a successful gardener… and more hands are always welcome. The SEC Earthlings participate in a Milkweed planting project (to encourage a healthy Monarch population) being led by one of our Earthling Faline, as part of her Girl Scout Gold award… get in touch to learn more!
Sister City Project:
Our Sister Cities project is looking to forge and deepen relationships with youth / similar club / school kids with one of our sister city, Patzcuaro in Mexico. Relationship building with the sister cities organization here in Sonoma and in Mexico; We will be initiating, coordinating and leading manageable projects – sharing info about our native plants, trees, wildlife and habitat, and learning about theirs.
Creek Clean-ups and Farmers Market Tabling:
There are regular opportunities to attend creek clean ups with the Sonoma Ecology Center and to table at the Depot and Tuesday night farmers market and at Sonoma Garden Park’s Saturday 9-12 Harvest Market. Earthlings club members attend these events to participate in outreach, offer water saving tips and tools and educate on sustainable living and to assist in presenting cool wildlife displays for kids all while getting to connect and care for nature.
Media Opportunities:
SEC Earthlings get regular opportunities for local newspaper articles in Sonoma Sun and radio opportunities. There is a current video series project that was initiated last year where the SEC Earthlings take part in educating the community about the proper sorting of trash. We are also always on the lookout for creative fliers and designs to publicize the SEC Earthlings club and our events.
Nature Wellness / Shinrin Yoku:
We have a forest bathing guide in our club so there are many opportunities to participate in forest bathing / nature wellness – or just to come and learn more info about the practice and benefits of forest bathing / deepening our connection with nature.
Education Programs and Mentorship Opportunities:
There are also many opportunities to participate in, or assist with (for teens / adults) educational programs at Sonoma Garden Park and Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. Activities such as camps and field trips are a great way to get involved and help inspire the next generation. Educational info opportunities also exist at Sonoma Garden Park for families visiting (this could be in the form of the notice board / kiosk or physically there on certain days).
In whatever way you are able, we’d love to hear from you and for you to join our club!!!