Sonoma Native Plant Nursery

Our Restoration team manages an in-house native plant nursery at Sonoma Garden Park. Through the nursery we offer more than 80 native species and are able to propagate thousands of plants every year, replanting areas in Sonoma Valley and beyond.

We contract grow for selected projects for which we conduct watershed-specific propagule collection. Our plants are grown in a variety of container stock (4” plugs, 6” plugs, tree band, D40, D60, 1 gallon, tree pots, or 5 gallon) to meet the needs of the project.

Plants are produced following BMP protocols in clean facilities with sterilized pots and soils on metal tables under rigorous pathogen prevention standards. We conduct regular Phytophthora testing and can outsource lab work for plant materials from restoration sites or from nursery stock. Our nursery is registered with the California Department of Food and Agriculture and is in compliance with the Nursery Stock Registration and Certification Programs.