Sonoma Creek Survey & Restoration Planning

Sonoma Ecology Center is seeking local landowners interested in habitat restoration planning for Upper Sonoma Creek. Please join the effort!

The following letter is directed towards landowners with property located along upper Sonoma Creek from Madrone Road to Adobe Canyon.

Seeking Landowners Interested in Habitat Restoration Planning for Upper Sonoma Creek

March 2019 – Sonoma Ecology Center (SEC) has received a grant from California Department of Fish and Wildlife to commission Environmental Science Associates (ESA), a restoration design and engineering firm with local ties to the community, to develop a restoration vision for upper Sonoma Creek. The project extent is along Sonoma Creek from Madrone Road to Adobe Canyon. We are seeking landowners who manage land along Sonoma Creek who are interested in working with us to improve stewardship of creek habitat and water resources.


Project Goal: Create a Restoration Vision booklet and design a demonstration project to:

  • Improve Steelhead Habitat
  • Address Streamside Landowner Needs
  • Improve Hydrology and Water Quality
  • Address Bank Erosion Issues
  • Improve Riparian Vegetation

Benefits to Landowner Participation:

  • Receive assessment and design services from SEC and ESA to:
    • manage streambank erosion
    • manage flooding
    • restore summer flows
    • get to know your neighbors and build good relationships o learn more about the creek and ecology of your land
  • Implement voluntary restoration that conform with State regulations:
    • obtain permits from CDFW for riparian management actions
    • help vineyards meet requirements for a Tier 1 General Permit from the Water Board

If you are a landowner interested in restoration of Sonoma Creek, please contact us at:, or call us at: 707-996-0712.

Sonoma Ecology Center’s mission is to work with our community to identify and lead actions that achieve and sustain ecological health in Sonoma Valley.


Click here for a print-friendly pdf version of this letter

Click here for a pdf version of the Landowner Consent Form

Click here for a pdf version of our Community Presentation (large 13.3 MB file)

Click here for a pdf version of our earlier letter seeking input



Upper Sonoma Creek Survey

Sonoma Ecology Center is conducting an assessment of upper Sonoma Creek from Madrone Road to Adobe Canyon. We’d like to hear your interests and concerns related to the creek that runs by your property, so that we can prioritize projects that will address those concerns.

Please fill out the survey below or click here to open in a separate window.

Questions? Contact us at or 707-996-0712.