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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Water Year 2014 is to date the driest on record in California and Sonoma, and communities around the state are facing this reality as they scramble to hold onto the water they have, or don’t.

Our Sonoma Valley community relies on imported water through an aqueduct from the Russian River, and even more on local groundwater. Imported water is limited by reservoirs that are low, and local groundwater, a complicated system, is likewise limited and in some areas around the Valley is in serious decline.

Sonoma Ecology Center is boosting a partnership effort to bring tools to homeowners, property managers, and businesses, to help save water and face an uncertain water future. Educational workshops, demonstration landscaping, web and print resources, and community forums for residents, along with cutting edge research and project options to boost supplies while helping nature cope, will be communicated in the coming weeks on this website and in local media.

Please stay tuned, and join your neighbors to help conserve one of the foundations of life — water.