Local Experts Give Fire-Smart Landscaping Advice in Upcoming Workshop
The Grove Street Fire Safe Council, a tax-exempt Sonoma Valley organization dedicated to mitigating wildfire risk, will co-sponsor an online workshop later this month on how to create landscapes that are beautiful, sustainable and fire-smart. The free workshop,...
Pollinator Week Brings Local Enthusiasts to Sonoma Garden Park
Did you know that last week, June 22-28, was Pollinator Week? As noted by scientists, naturalists and wildlife officials, pollinators—a diverse group of species including insects, birds and mammals—are responsible for pollinating three quarters of our flowering plants...
Sugarloaf Campground Reopens with New Guidelines
Campsites at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park are reopening on Monday, June 21, meaning all public resources at the park are available to the public again. That includes Sugarloaf’s parking lots, trails, restrooms, Visitor Center and Robert Ferguson Observatory. However,...
Another Look at the Van Hoosear Prescribed Burn (Video)
On Friday, May 22, Sonoma Ecology Center and its partners conducted a 35-acre prescribed burn at Van Hoosear Wildflower Preserve west of Sonoma. The burn was a success—and a glimpse at our possible future here in Sonoma Valley. As Restoration Program Manager Jason...
Counting Sheep at Montini
In order to reduce fuels at Montini Open Space Preserve, Sonoma Ecology Center has hired a grazing service to bring approximately 80 sheep to specially designated wildland-urban interface areas of the city-owned Preserve. Besides sustainably controlling flammable...
Black Lives Matter, a nationwide call for justice and equality, was sparked by recently documented evidence of ongoing exclusion, discrimination and violence enacted by systemic racism and environmental injustice. Right now, those who have not experienced such events...
Saturday Morning Harvest Market Returns for Season
Our seasonal Harvest Market kicks off Saturday, June 13 at Sonoma Garden Park! We offer fresh-grown produce, eggs, honey, flowers and more for sale in the Straw Bale Barn. The market continues every Saturday morning from 9am to noon through the growing season. We grow...
Under the Surface of Sonoma Creek (Video)
From above, Sonoma Creek is quiet and serene. But below the surface it teems with life, as shown in video footage taken earlier this month by Sonoma Ecology Center Senior Scientist and Research Program Manager Steven Lee. The footage was taken as Steve and fellow...
Our Commitment to Solidarity and Action
Sonoma Ecology Center is in solidarity with the call for racial justice that is ringing out across our country. Our community is in pain, and we feel it. We commit to working to increase social equity and environmental justice in Sonoma Valley. We recognize that...
The Bears Are Back—Let’s Make It a Happy Return
Recent black bear sightings around Sonoma Valley remind us of things we can do to live peacefully with this keystone species. The past couple weeks have come with numerous black bear sightings in Sonoma Valley, from Cavedale Road to the Keen Property to Jack London...
Prescribed Burn Leads to a Better Van Hoosear Wildflower Preserve
Use of controlled or “prescribed” burns is both an ancient art and a new science. Here in the North Bay, the practice was used for centuries before the arrival of Europeans. Today, it is an essential tool in promoting both fire resiliency and biodiversity. That’s why...
Drought Problems and Solutions
Don’t let the late-season rains fool you: this has been another dry year for Sonoma Valley. Northern California’s 2019-20 rainy season started out strong, but petered out during the holidays. By February, weather watchers were hoping for a “March miracle”—and although...
Sugarloaf Now Accessible by Vehicle
In the space of a few weeks, Sonoma County’s public parks have gone from full closure to “soft closure” and now, as of this week, to a “soft opening.” Under the new rules, county residents may now drive to inland parks, including those managed by Sonoma Ecology...
EnviroLeaders Program Back on for Summer
Local teens who love nature and the outdoors—and could use some paid work this summer—are in luck. Our educators are constantly seeking new ways to offer their hands-on science education while keeping the community safe during the coronavirus pandemic. As part of that...
Sonoma Ecology Center Plans Prescribed Burn for Van Hoosear
UPDATE: The prescribed burn at Van Hoosear is now tentatively scheduled for Friday, May 22, dependent on weather conditions. Sonoma Ecology Center, CalFire and other partners s are planning a prescribed burn at the privately owned Van Hoosear Wildflower Preserve west...
Sonoma Valley Parks Open to Non-Driving Visitors
By order of the Sonoma County Health Officer, local parks and open spaces are now operating under an amended closure termed “soft closure”—meaning they are accessible during normal park hours by foot or bicycle only. The new rules apply to most non-coastal parks and...
With Earth Day Behind Us, a Look Back—and Forward
Thirty years ago, Sonoma came together to put on a party. Earth Day 1990 was big, with 200 million people celebrating worldwide, and Sonoma wasn’t going to be left out. A coalition of businesses, educators, parents, students, religious leaders, farmers, artists and...
Share Your Vision on SDC’s Future
Sonoma Developmental Center’s future is in the community’s hands. To take full advantage of that, all local residents are strongly encouraged to join a Virtual Community Kick-Off for the SDC Specific Plan from now to Saturday, May 2. Closure of the 860-acre...
An Earth Day Shout-Out from Nature Via Bernie Krause
We have many things to celebrate this Earth Day, and the list includes the ongoing celebrity of our good friend, Glen Ellen resident and Sonoma Ecology Center Board member, Bernie Krause. As a pioneer of soundscape ecology—and before that a highly successful musician...
Summer Camp Sign-Ups? Yes!
We are hopeful that our Summer Science Camps will go on as planned this summer! And we’re working on a plan to offer local families the opportunity to sign up for them now, while keeping in mind that we are all hesitant to commit to any events at this time. Officials...