Sponsored Organizations
We support organizations and groups that fit our mission by providing key fiscal and administrative functions, thereby making a greater impact throughout Sonoma Valley.
Sonoma Biochar Initiative promotes the ethical and sustainable production and use of biochar in Sonoma County and beyond. Biochar is a key tool for achieving both effective climate policy and program implementation and accelerated, sustainable agricultural productivity improvement. Visit sonomabiocharinitiative.org
Sonoma Overlook Trail is a protected three-mile walking path set onto the hillside backdrop of the City of Sonoma. The trail is open to the public for walking during daylight hours. See maps and more info
Sonoma Valley Collaborative is a forum where a diverse group of Sonoma Valley leaders representing business, environment, social justice, nonprofits, and government take action on solutions to our community’s biggest challenges. Visit sonomavalleycollaborative.org.
Transition Sonoma Valley was created as part of the Transition Movement. TSV’s mission is to build a responsive network of local citizens, groups and businesses to create a resilient, self-reliant community in response to the challenges of climate change, peak oil, and economic instability. Visit transitionsonomavalley.org