Become an EnviroLeader!
¡Conviértete en un EnviroLeader!

The EnviroLeaders program is available to Sonoma Valley teens between the ages of 14 to 18 and offers hands-on education in the fields of sustainable agriculture and restoration.

El programa EnviroLeaders está abierto a jóvenes del Valle de Sonoma entre las edades de 14 a 18 y ofrece instrucción directa en las áreas de agricultura sostenible y restauración.

The EnviroLeaders program provides Sonoma Valley teens with the opportunity to gain essential job and life skills through practical environmentally focused training. There will be an emphasis on sustainable agriculture, community building, and park stewardship over a semester-long employment program.

El programa EnviroLeaders provée una oportunidad a los jóvenes del Valle de Sonoma para aprender habilidades esenciales en el trabajo y la vida a través de capacitación práctica enfocada en el ambiente. Habrá un énfasis en la agricultura sostenible, crear comunidad, y cuidar de áreas verdes a lo largo del semestre de trabajo.

EnviroLeaders are mentored by Sonoma Ecology Center educators and other professionals in the environmental field. They meet twice a week, at the Sonoma Garden Park and other sites around the Valley. EnviroLeaders are paid $15/hr for their work.

Los EnviroLeaders son aconsejados por educadores de Sonoma Ecology Center y otros profesionales en el campo ambiental. Se reúnen dos veces a la semana en Sonoma Garden Park y otros sitios alrededor del Valle. Los EnviroLeaders ganan $15 por hora de trabajo.

We’re looking for students who are good team players, have strong communication skills, are willing to learn, and have an interest in working on sustainable communities and climate change.

Buscamos a estudiantes que saben trabajar en equipo, tienen habilidad de comunicarse claramente, están dispuestos a aprender y están interesados en trabajar en comunidades sostenibles y el cambio climático.

To apply, fill out this online application form and email a cover letter and your resume to, or mail them to the following address:

Para remitir una solicitud, llena este formulario y envía una carta y résume (ambos en inglés) a o envíalas por correo a la siguiente dirección:

Tony Passantino
c/o Sonoma Ecology Center
PO Box 1486
Eldridge, CA 95431

Questions? ¿Tienes preguntas?

Contact Tony Passantino at
Ponte en contacto con Tony en

EnviroLeaders in the News

Here are a few news articles offering more information on the EnviroLeader program:

Interested? ¿Interesado?

Applications for Spring 2025 are currently closed. To be kept up to date on the next application cycle, sign up for our newsletter.

Spring 2025 EnviroLeader Workdays start from February 26 to May 17, 2025. Workdays are Wednesdays 2:45-5:45 pm and Saturdays 9:30 am-12:30 pm at Sonoma Garden Park.

Solicitudes para el programa EnviroLeaders durante la primavera 2025 han cerrado. 

Los días de trabajo con el programa EnviroLeaders son los miércoles 2:45-5:45 pm y sábados 9:30 am-12:30 pm del 26 de febrero al 17 de mayo, 2025, en Sonoma Garden Park. 

Former Enviroleader Joins SEC’s Board of Directors

Former Enviroleader Joins SEC’s Board of Directors

A three-time Enviroleader alumna of Sonoma Ecology Center, Ava Castro recently joined Sonoma Ecology Center’s Board of Directors. We sat down with Ava to hear her perspective on the role of regenerative thinking in environmental work, and what she hopes to bring to SEC as a new member of our Board of Directors.

Former Enviroleader Joins SEC’s Board of Directors

Enviroleader Alumna, Ava Castro Returns to Sonoma Garden Park To Host Compost Education Event | Egresada EnviroLeader Ava Castro regresa a Sonoma Garden Park a liderar un evento educativo de abono

[Español abajo] This past month, Ava Castro, a three-time Enviroleader alumna of Sonoma Ecology Center returned to Sonoma Garden Park to host a joint Carbon Sequestration and Education Event with us as the Climate Resilience Program Coordinator for the Daily Acts, a local non-profit organization dedicated to creating healthy and sustainable communities. Ava has gladly answered for us some questions on her path from being an Enviroleader to coming full circle in hosting an education event at Sonoma Garden Park, where she used to learn hands-on agricultural experience.