Who We Are

Since 1990, Sonoma Ecology Center has worked to increase appreciation and stewardship of Sonoma Valley’s natural heritage and create measurable benefits in areas of land, water, climate change and biodiversity.


We envision a future where people, land, water, and wildlife thrive.


Our mission is to work with our community to identify and lead actions that achieve and sustain ecological health in Sonoma Valley.

Fire Resiliency Video

How can people, land, water, and wildlife thrive in a fire-adapted landscape? Watch this video on how we keep people safer while supporting our environment.

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Learn more about our work on The Ecology Blog

Sonoma Ecology Center se une a organizaciones locales para ofrecer transportación gratuita a Sugarloaf Ridge State Park a través de la beca “Route to Parks” | SEC Partners with Local Organizations to Offer Free Transportation to Sugarloaf Ridge State Park through Routes to Parks Grant

Sonoma Ecology Center se une a organizaciones locales para ofrecer transportación gratuita a Sugarloaf Ridge State Park a través de la beca “Route to Parks” | SEC Partners with Local Organizations to Offer Free Transportation to Sugarloaf Ridge State Park through Routes to Parks Grant

Este año, estamos emocionados de anunciar que Sonoma Ecology Center es uno de los beneficiarios de la beca “Routes to Parks” de Parks California para el ciclo del 2024. Estamos usando esta beca para nuevamente unirnos con bibliotecas locales para ofrecer transportación gratuita a Sugarloaf Ridge State Park como parte de nuestro programa Senderos Naturales.

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Advancing Environmental Education with Free UC CalNat Course for Local Teachers

Advancing Environmental Education with Free UC CalNat Course for Local Teachers

In our mission to bring high quality environmental education to all students in Sonoma Valley, Sonoma Ecology Center hosted a UC California Naturalist for Teachers (CalNat) course last Fall to support our Valley’s educators in their environmental education programs. Teachers are now sharing ways that they have been able to use the learnings from the course to improve their environmental instruction.

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