There are so many ways to celebrate Earth Day that we decided to make it Earth Week, with a variety of events, activities, partnerships and calls to action designed to bring Sonoma Valley together around the appreciation and enjoyment of our beautiful environment.

As part of our celebration of Earth Day and Earth Week, we’re launching our seasonal Harvest Market on Saturday, April 21 at Sonoma Garden Park! Featuring fresh produce grown on site at the Garden Park, the weekly Harvest Market is a favorite food source for local residents – and UC Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer all your gardening questions. The Harvest Market runs every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. until the end of the growing season. Please join us on Saturday, April 21 in the Straw Bale Barn and help us celebrate! And see below for many more Earth Week events:

Sunday, April 15

Wildflower Walk with Greenbelt Alliance @ Van Hoosear Wildflower Preserve



Mushroom Hike @ Sugarloaf Ridge State Park



Monday, April 16

Register to Vote!

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Tuesday, April 17

Launch of our new project, NeWTs: Neighbors Working Together: For a water-wise, fire-smart, and wildlife-friendly Sonoma Valley

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Wednesday, April 18

Sign Up to Volunteer: Our trails and other features at Sugarloaf are still in need of mending; and at Sonoma Garden Park there is work to do in the garden. Learn how to help out!

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Thursday, April 19

Photosharing Day! #EarthDay2018: We encourage everyone to get outdoors and share your eye for nature by posting to Instagram with this hashtag

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Friday, April 20

Get Outside: May we suggest Sugarloaf Ridge State Park? Become a member and get an annual pass, giving free access to Sugarloaf Ridge State Park and Jack London State Park plus 50% off our guided hikes.

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Saturday, April 21

Harvest Market Reopens @ Sonoma Garden Park


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Give Back to your Garden Park @ Sonoma Garden Park



Earth Day Trail Work with State Parks @ Sugarloaf Ridge State Park



Planet Walk @ Sugarloaf Ridge State Park



Caminata de Naturaleza @ Sugarloaf Ridge State Park


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Senderos Naturales: Caminata de la Primavera @ Van Hoosear Wildflower Preserve



Sunday, April 22

Fire Follower Flower Walk @ Sugarloaf Ridge State Park



Earth Care Festival: Celebrate Earth Day with your neighbors at First Congregational Church of Sonoma


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