Thank you for your membership, your payment is complete.
Your support enables Sonoma Ecology Center to protect our land, water and open spaces, bring hands-on science education to K-12 school children, restore wetlands and creeks and other natural habitats throughout Sonoma Valley, and provide people of all ages opportunities to connect with nature.
It is thanks to the combined generosity of our entire community that we are able to engage our community in safeguarding our region. Thank you for partnering with us to take good care of the incredible resource that is Sonoma Valley. We look forward to keeping you apprised of our efforts to preserve and protect our marvelous home.
Richard Dale
Executive Director
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You will also receive an e-mail confirmation of this payment and you can expect a thank you letter and tax receipt by mail in 1-2 weeks. If you have any questions, contact us at (707) 996-0712 x111.
The amount of this payment may b tax-deductible as allowed by law, please check with a tax adviser. Sonoma Ecology Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Our tax ID is 94-3136500.