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Honoring Earth, Honoring Volunteers

Sonoma Ecology Center and our illustrious, dedicated volunteers help us honor Earth every day, and we’d like to thank them for helping us take care of little patches of our planet right here in Sonoma Valley. In partnership with One Tree Planted and Simply Solar,...

Local Experts Give Fire-Smart Landscaping Advice in Upcoming Workshop

The Grove Street Fire Safe Council, a tax-exempt Sonoma Valley organization dedicated to mitigating wildfire risk, will co-sponsor an online workshop later this month on how to create landscapes that are beautiful, sustainable and fire-smart. The free workshop,...

Pollinator Week Brings Local Enthusiasts to Sonoma Garden Park

Did you know that last week, June 22-28, was Pollinator Week? As noted by scientists, naturalists and wildlife officials, pollinators—a diverse group of species including insects, birds and mammals—are responsible for pollinating three quarters of our flowering plants...

Another Look at the Van Hoosear Prescribed Burn (Video)

On Friday, May 22, Sonoma Ecology Center and its partners conducted a 35-acre prescribed burn at Van Hoosear Wildflower Preserve west of Sonoma. The burn was a success—and a glimpse at our possible future here in Sonoma Valley. As Restoration Program Manager Jason...

The Bears Are Back—Let’s Make It a Happy Return

Recent black bear sightings around Sonoma Valley remind us of things we can do to live peacefully with this keystone species. The past couple weeks have come with numerous black bear sightings in Sonoma Valley, from Cavedale Road to the Keen Property to Jack London...

Prescribed Burn Leads to a Better Van Hoosear Wildflower Preserve

Use of controlled or “prescribed” burns is both an ancient art and a new science. Here in the North Bay, the practice was used for centuries before the arrival of Europeans. Today, it is an essential tool in promoting both fire resiliency and biodiversity. That’s why...