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Local Experts Give Fire-Smart Landscaping Advice in Upcoming Workshop

The Grove Street Fire Safe Council, a tax-exempt Sonoma Valley organization dedicated to mitigating wildfire risk, will co-sponsor an online workshop later this month on how to create landscapes that are beautiful, sustainable and fire-smart. The free workshop,...

Drought Problems and Solutions

Don’t let the late-season rains fool you: this has been another dry year for Sonoma Valley. Northern California’s 2019-20 rainy season started out strong, but petered out during the holidays. By February, weather watchers were hoping for a “March miracle”—and although...

A New Leaf: Real Security in a Fire-Prone Place

It’s been more than a month since winter rains began, turning our brown hills green and bringing yet another harrowing fire season to a close. Now, while we’re enjoying the rain and green grass, we can think more calmly about fire—or rather, about how to better live...

Taking Stock of Our Fire-Prone Environment

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently told the New York Times that California is facing “the most destructive fires in our state’s history.” It’s clear that we’ve entered a new era, with fires burning hotter, more destructively, and over a longer season. Locally, that has meant...

Reaching Out in Trying Times

Once again wildfire is turning all our lives upside down. We wanted to reach out and make contact with you – our friends, partners and neighbors – in this difficult time and, wherever possible, to offer our help and support. Having gone through this in 2017 doesn’t...

Best Way to Stop French Broom? Hold a ‘Broom Pull’

With the arrival of spring, the invasive shrub called French broom, with its long woody stalks and pretty yellow flowers, is popping up all over Sonoma Valley. But French broom is unwanted here because it’s environmentally destructive, a fire hazard, and very hard to...